A.R. Brewing
A.R. Brewing was founded in 2014 by Andrea Ravasio experienced food technologist, professor of “Food Sciences” and “Laboratory of Food and Wine” at well-known Lombard hotel institutes.
After the first experiments, which started back in 1999 during the preparation of the university exam of “Fermentation of alcoholic beverages”, Andrea continues the work of in-depth study and research in the field of food technologies and bio-transformations until he creates some inspired beer recipes to the main brewing styles but without giving up a personalization based on Italian traditions and originality.
A.R. Brewing has as its objective the highest quality, genuineness and territoriality of the product, following a rigorous methodology in the choice of raw materials and in the processing phases that take place in selected artisan breweries of excellence.
The beers A.R. Brewing are reviewed in 2017 and 2019 on Slow Food’s “Birre d’Italia” and winners of Federbirra’s national competition “Best Italian Beer” in the following categories:
Virtus Luppolo d’oro 2021 cat. Italian Grape Ale

Americana luppolo d’argento 2019 cat. American Pale Ale

Nera luppolo d’oro 2020 2018 cat.Foreign extra stout

Rossa luppolo d’argento 2018 Luppolo di bronzo 2020 cat Belgian Red Ale.

by A.R.Brewing
In 2018 A.R Brewing launches the project “Il Canto delle Cicale” beer from the agricultural supply chain.
The goal is to develop a so-called “short chain” production that enhances and supports the agricultural production of Bergamo and Mantua which has always been of high quality and rich in tradition.
The whole production process, from barley cultivation through malting and subsequent production, are followed directly by the A.R. and take place in the same area with evident results in terms of product quality, product control, environmental and economic impact and sustainability.
The first 2 beers of this line, which nicely recall the voices of a choir are the “Contralto” and the gluten free “Soprano”. Both in Kolsch style, fresh and thirst-quenching, the Soprano stands out for the very important characteristic of being gluten-free, thus allowing everyone to appreciate a high quality craft beer.
A.R. Brewing since 2014 over 11 beers in production, spirits, numerous collaborations in the food and beverage sector, innovation and tradition.
In Beer We Trust!
Tel. +39 3394569593
Mail. info@arbrewing.it
Mail for orders. ordini@arbrewing.it
Operational headquarters
24127 Bergamo
Via Giovan Battista Moroni, Lonno, Nembro BG, Italia